Tag: chief of the National Guard Bureau

Guard’s Global Reach, Capabilities Support National Defense Strategy
Defense Strategy and Capabilities

Guard’s Global Reach, Capabilities Support National Defense Strategy

ARLINGTON, Va. – What the National Guard brings to the global stage directly contributes to significant pieces of the 2022 National Defense Strategy, said Army Gen. Daniel Hokanson, chief of the National Guard Bureau. “Today, we are an integral part of the Joint Force and our nation’s second-largest military organization after the U.S. Army,” said Hokanson, the Guard’s top officer and a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. “The Department of Defense cannot implement the National Defense Strategy without the National Guard.” The recently released, unclassified version of the NDS serves as a strategic guide for the Defense Department, outlining how it aims to meet “top-level defense priorities,” said defense officials. At the top of those priorities is addressing the “multi-domain threat ...