Tag: Defence Innovation Accelerator for the North Atlantic (DIANA)

NATO approves 2023 strategic direction for new innovation accelerator
Military Technology

NATO approves 2023 strategic direction for new innovation accelerator

On 12 December 2022, the Board of Directors of NATO’s Defence Innovation Accelerator for the North Atlantic (DIANA) agreed that energy resilience, secure information sharing and sensing and surveillance will be the priority areas of focus for DIANA’s work on Emerging and Disrupting Technologies (EDTs) in 2023. The three areas make up the backbone of DIANA’s Strategic Direction for 2023. The Strategic Direction will drive the identification of DIANA’s first defence and security challenges, for which dual-use technological solutions must be found. “This strategic direction gives the DIANA Executive clear guidance on the development of pilot programmes that we will launch in Spring 2023. These programmes will benefit both civilian and military communities” commented David Van Weel, DIANA’s i...